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Auto Insurance

We offer variety type of auto insurance programs and various discounts
  • Accident Free
  • Good Driver
  • Multiple Cars
  • Good Student
  • Auto/Home/Life
  • Anti-lock Brake
  • Passive Restraint
  • Youth Safety
  • Hybrid Vehicle
  • Business and Professional Group
  • Engineer, CPA, Certified Teacher, Scientist, etc.
Auto Insurance
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Bodily Injury and Property Damage (Liability)

Your coverage allows payment for bodily injuries to other people or damage to their property if you are liable. It pays whether your car is driven by you, a qualified family member, or other driver using your car with your permission. In most cases, you are even covered in a car you borrow or rent temporarily. Your coverage will pay up to the limits that you select.

Uninsured Motorist

Any bodily injuries to you, qualified family members, and any other person occupying your covered auto, caused by an uninsured motorist or a hit-and-run driver, if that driver is liable, are covered. Uninsured Motorist limits may be increased by up to the same limits carried for Bodily Injury, if desired. Uninsured Motorist property damage is also available in certain states.

Underinsured Motorist

This coverage pays for bodily injuries to you and qualified family members caused by a motorist whose liability insurance limits are insufficient to pay the damages you are legally entitled to recover. It pays up to the limit you select, less the amount paid by the other party.


All reasonable medical expenses arising from an auto accident, regardless of fault, for you, qualified family members or passengers, are paid under Medical coverage. These expenses are paid for you and qualified family members while in a non-owned car or if hit by a car. Funeral expenses are also paid, up to a specified amount.


This coverage pays for damage to your car except when it is caused by collision or upset. It includes damage from fire, vandalism, windstorm, sandstorm, falling objects, animals, water or flood.


Accidental damage to your car is covered by collision with any object or by upset. You are covered up to the actual cash value of your vehicle, less the deductible.

Loss of Use

You will be paid for loss of use/car rental while your car is being repaired for collision damage or comprehensive loss in excess of your deductible. It also pays you if your car is a total loss due to a collision or comprehensive loss.

Death and Dismemberment

This optional coverage pays you and other family members residing in your household for death or certain injuries sustained in an auto accident, regardless of fault. It pays according to a fixed schedule up to the limit you select for you and your spouse.

Towing and Road Service

This coverage pays you the reasonable and necessary towing and emergency road service expenses.

This is not a policy contract but a general description. The policy itself should be read for the coverages and exclusions.

Farmers Insurance Policy Holder

- Call 1-800-435-7764 (1-800-HelpPoint)

Bistrol West Policy Holder

- Call 1-800-274-7865 (1-800-Bristol)

You may also call our office during business hours and our staff will help you file a claim.
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